Restaking Architecture

The restaking pool manager oversees the flow of assets into the protocol. When users deposit LST or SOL (which is first converted to sSOL-raw), they receive a fungible token representation in return. Collectively, we call them Solayer assets. Currently illiquid to facilitate points calculation for the liquidity reward program, this representation will become liquid in the future to encourage composability with DeFi.

Solayer assets at this layer won't have any unbonding lockups since they unwrap into the respective LSTs. The AVS unbonding process is separately managed by the delegation manager. To offer more flexibility, Solayer allows them to design their own unbonding process with a maximum unbonding period within 2 days. Solayer will also provide an emergency exit mechanism to release the bound stake from users should the AVS cease to function.

Stage 2 of our protocol development will enable users to pledge their Solayer assets to secure additional networks by delegating them to a Solayer operator responsible for managing the AVS nodes. Should an operator engage in malicious behavior, they will be subject to penalties, potentially resulting in a loss of the user's deposit. Consequently, users must exercise caution when selecting operators to delegate to, ensuring that they possess a trustworthy track record and fulfill the requisite criteria of the AVS.

Once delegation to SVNs and node operators is live, users will construct their restaking portfolio by selecting the node operators to delegate to and SVNs to secure. They will then be issued a non-fungible token. This token is non-fungible due to the idiosyncratic risks associated with the selected node operators and the SVNs.

Rewards accounting is calculated offline. Solayer has implemented a state watcher to keep track of deposits and withdrawals. Together with the invite relationship data, additional rewards will be applied to user accounts in real-time.

The Restake method on Solayer is permissioned and requires an additional signature from the server. This is to allow us to enforce deposit limits in the first few epochs. The Unstake method does not require an additional signature from Solayer.

Native SOL restaking

For native SOL restaking, Solayer first converts your SOL to an intermediary form called sSOL-raw, which is the Liquid Staking Token (LST) issued by the stake pool manager. This entire process is non-custodial, ensuring that staked SOL is delegated to validators who earn MEV-boosted returns. The sSOL-raw is then converted to sSOL after another interaction with the Solayer restaking pool manager. All these steps are executed in a single transaction for efficiency.

Here are more details on the Solayer stake pool:

  • Stake Pool: po1osKDWYF9oiVEGmzKA4eTs8eMveFRMox3bUKazGN2

  • Pool Token Mint: sSo1wxKKr6zW2hqf5hZrp2CawLibcwi1pMBqk5bg2G4

  • Epoch Fee: 7/100 of epoch rewards

  • Stake Withdrawal Fee: 8/10000 of withdrawal amount

  • SOL Withdrawal Fee: 8/10000 of withdrawal amount

  • Stake Deposit Fee: 0/10000 of deposit amount

  • SOL Deposit Fee: 0/10000 of deposit amount

  • Stake Deposit Referral Fee: 0% of Stake

  • Deposit Fee SOL Deposit Referral Fee: 0% of SOL Deposit Fee

Last updated