Episode 1: The Timebox Sanctuary

The Timebox Sanctuary blends shimmering brass with aged wood, creating an enchanting environment. Following the successful launch of the restaking epochs on May 16th, with $50M in restaked deposits across 2 epochs, Episode 1 focuses on rewarding the Solayer community throughout these restake epochs. Eligible members can stream, participate, and claim rewards. Episode 1 streaming is time-capped, starting on [redacted] and ending on July 4th, with 28,308 minutes remaining until its conclusion.

Prerequisites to Participate

Participation in Episode 1 is exclusive, requiring members to meet at least 3 of the following 6 criteria, ensuring a dedicated and engaged community:

  • Deposit in any of the LST pools

  • Obtain a permanent referral link (deposit 10 SOL)

  • Participate in Epoch 0

  • Participate in at least 3 epochs

  • Refer others who have deposited

  • Use all invite codes

Completion Requirements

To fully stream Episode 1 and distribute rewards, 80% of qualifying participants must complete the journey. If this target is not met by July 8th, 4 days after the initial ending date, unclaimed rewards will be redistributed pro rata among the participants.

Last updated